What does it mean to have a human brain?

I act on impulse most of the time, and otherwise do what I can to design a life that rewards my impulses with beautiful outcomes. I think designing games is like that: designing little spaces that reward my avatar’s impulses with beautiful outcomes. Only, when I make a game I can share the experience with you; you can inhabit the same space, embody the same avatar, perhaps act on the same impulses, and – if serendipity allows – behold the same beautiful outcomes.

Through making and playing with games and other art, I hope to come to some deeper understanding of not the science of my brain, but the experience and meaning of being some specific person.


Technical Designer @ messhof (2022—)

Independent games on itch.io
Twitter account (@droqen)
Music on bandcamp
Secluded forum-shaped notebook (actively in use, labyrinthine)
Older blogs (archived, no longer being updated)
Paradise webvoid